Event Information

Welcome to the 2025 Columbia Century Challenge! 

Can’t wait to see you June 14th, 2025

Our Start/Finish location will be  in beautiful Clatskanie Oregon this year

Important ride notes:

-Check-in will begin at 6 a.m. Saturday, June 14th , where you will be given your rider packet, which includes your number bib.

-Keep your bib visible so our roamers can identify you during the event.

-Aid stations will be available along the route (approx 4 or 5 hours) and close as soon as the last rider passes through.

-Ham radio operators will be at stations where there is a lack of cell reception in case of any emergencies.

-Barlow Bikes will provide minor mechanical support should the need arise. Each aid station will have a repair kit for very basic repairs.

-Upon completing the ride, you will need to check back in with us so that we know you completed the event. If we show you did not check-in, we will contact you and your emergency contact.

We encourage you to visit the local restaurants in town

***Century Riders must start no sooner than 6:30a.m. (to ensure that our aid stations are staffed and prepared for your arrival) and no later than 7a.m.

***Metric Century Riders must start no sooner than 7 a.m. and no later than 7:30 a.m.

Leaving sooner than suggested, we cannot guarantee any support will be available.

-We have 4 aid stations along our route which will be manned for approximately 4 no more than 5 hours. We will have roamers spotting cyclists if any assistance is needed.

-It is suggested that you download the RidewithGPS map before our departure due to no internet service in the hills.

See you June 14th